While BPM is a mature field for what concerns modeling and enactment of business processes, it is still lacking in the proper support and analysis of the active process executions. The main goal of the KAOS project is to overcome such issues by empowering OS with domain knowledge. In particular, KAOS will develop a foundational framework of concepts covering organizations, processes, participants, and information as relevant for Knowledge-empowered OS. It will then exploit this framework as the basis for the development of a new generation of OS techniques truly flexible and able to support domain experts and business analysts in the effective execution of business processes.

KAOS was an Interregional Project Network (IPN) funded by the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino (EGTC) through the Euregio Science Fund. Project coordinator: Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.

The KAOS web site.